The centre has exhibitions facilities both at the headquarters and at industrial area which showcase emerging locally produced building materials and technology innovations that are affordable and environmentally sustainable to support affordable housing programmes. The main purpose of the exhibitions is to showcase and demonstrate latest products, service, study activities and examine recent trends and opportunities in building and constructions as well as sustainable urban planning.
The exhibition is open to the general public but more specifically to professionals, contractors in the constructions industry and students undertaking courses in building and technology and research.
Kenya is faced with a shortage of affordable decent housing due to various issues facing building and construction industry. The housing deficit in Kenya stands at 2 million and continues to grow at a rate of about 200,000 units every year, according to World Bank report 2016.
The following are some of the issues:
- High cost of Building and construction
- Lack of Information on alternative building materials and technologies
- Negative perception to innovative building systems and processes
- Poor Housing amenities
- Foreign exchange loss on expensive building materials importation
- Unemployment
- Environmental sustainability and climate Change
- Identification of emerging innovative building and construction materials and technologies in the country
- Classification of emerging innovative building and construction materials and technologies
- Source innovative building and construction materials and technologies from:
- Manufacturing Industries
- Small and Medium Industries
- Government MDAs
- Manufacturing Industries
Manufacturing Industries producing innovative building materials and components will be approached to submit sample materials and information documents for display, viewing and sharing. Presentations will be allowed on selected technologies to in the organised seminars
The objectives of the exhibitions is to:
- Identify emerging innovations and technologies in building and construction in the country
- Showcase emerging innovations and technologies in building and construction
- Promote locally available building materials and other resources
- Document information on building technology
- Enhance collaboration with stakeholders in the building industry
- Encourage sustainable building practices
Local producers of innovative building materials and components (Quarries, Foundries, and workshops) will be approached to submit sample materials. Information documents will be developed in KBRC for display, viewing and sharing.
Small and medium industries (Jua Kali) producing innovative building materials, components, as well as machinery, tool, and equipment used in construction will be approached to submit sample materials and information documents for display, viewing and sharing. Where need raised the samples will be procured for long term display. SME special display unit will be established to support local content.
KBRC is mandated to design and disseminate research findings to the building and construction industry for wider adoption and usage.
KBRC is engaged in development of appropriate research dissemination strategies executed through Graphics Design, Product Design and Exhibition Design units. Document used to disseminate are designed to attract and pass information concisely to the target audience.